About Us
How Giant Steps came to be...

The Giant Steps Remote Workspace

They say everything happens for a reason, right? Giant Steps Event Planning & Consulting came together in a wonderfully organic way. Kevin Kowalczyk had already fallen into the event industry years earlier when an old friend & work colleague helped him get a job at a talent agency / event planning firm. Turns out he'd been planning events his whole life and didn't realize it! After a decade in the event industry (concert box office staff, the aforementioned event planning firm, full service production company) Kevin was laid off in late 2009. At the time he was President-Elect of the Denver Chapter of the International Live Event Association. He kept encountering small business owners that knew they needed to start social media marketing but didn't have the knowledge or staff to implement it. He’d already been active on social media and after spending a few months learning everything he could about this relatively new medium (for businesses) it became obvious to him: he should just start his own business. He learned the hard way at his previous job that a work/life balance was extremely important and decided that at his next job this would become central to his life. Working for yourself seemed like a perfect way to achieve this. Everything in the universe was telling him it was time for something new: he and his husband just bought their first home, another small business owner wanted a part time marketing employee, and Giant Steps was born in 2010. Naming was easy since inexplicably Kevin always had said (even though he never really thought he’d own his own business) that if he ever started a company he’d name it after his favorite album: Giant Steps by The Boo Radleys.
Kevin Kowalczyk, President and Owner
With more than 25 years experience in the event industry, Kevin leads the team at Giant Steps Event Planning & Consulting. His vast experience planning and managing hundreds of events has made him a sought-after event manager for conferences, meetings and special events. In addition to his event experience he’s been working at marketing agencies since 2010 building websites, creating search engine campaigns and serving as project manager. He grew up in Chicago, received a Bachelor in Psychology at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, spent almost 20 years in Colorado, and now happily calls Oakland, California home. He’s been very active in the International Live Events Association, serving as President of the Denver chapter as well as VP of Communications for the Northern California chapter. When not working on events you can often find him at a concert (he’s been to 785 and counting!) or playing tennis. He's even started writing a book about his concert experiences (#365daysofconcerts). You'll often find him relaxing on his patio garden with his husband Chad and rescue dog Rocco.
Rachel Jacob Barnett, Event Consultant
Rachel Jacob Barnett (she/her), or RJB as friends know her, grew up in Ft. Worth, Texas and is a first generation South Asian American. She received her degree in Opera Performance and K-12 Education at the University of Texas at Austin. She was an Elementary Music Educator until 2015, when she and her partner Nicolas moved to San Francisco and her events journey began. In San Francisco, her skills and experience led her to the events industry and since then, RJB has managed event venues, produced large-scale meetings and conferences for both private-sector and non-profit clients, while also working in direct sales for a leading corporate events and destination management company. In addition to her work at Giant Steps, Rachel consults #friendors on how to implement diversity, equity, and inclusion into their businesses with authenticity and empathy. Her passion is helping others #findyourcommunity and educate others in risk management, social justice, and community-centric fundraising. RJB loves spending time with her new baby, Anthony, cooking, all things TV & Film, road trips, and building relationships!

The Extended Team:
With Giant Steps' connections in the industry and years in business, we have a pool of freelancers we call upon whenever needed to add to our team. So whether your event is for 10 people or 10,000, we've got you covered.
Giant Steps Company Highlights
2021 SF City College COVID vaccination clinic logistics
Multiple onsite European corporate sales trainings
Onsite management for Denver Broncos Super Bowl after party
Handled all client communications for marketing firm during a 3-week vacation.
ILEA Denver President & Northern California VP Communications
Hired to plan ILEA Live 2020 Conference with colleague
Onsite mangement at First Global in Singapore with 192 countries represented
Countless robotics competitions across US & Canada
Walked 27 miles one day managing a corporate holiday party for 6,000
Helped produce one of the first events at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco
Online 50th wedding anniversary party (2020)
Planned logistics for 100+ LEGO events